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This event will feature close to 40 wines from some of our favorite and most respected regions in the world! We will be joined by the great representatives who hold the best wine portfolios in our state; Libation Project, The Wine Company, New France Importers and The German Wine Collection. Each representee will be based at their own table and assigned to a respective region. You can look forward to enjoying high end wines from France, Italy, Spain, and Germany as well as two of their favorite New World wines each and a bottle of Bubbles. There will be charcuterie and other bites provided by Bleu Duck Kitchen to be enjoyed with your wine.

This event is wears the title of 'Blue Chip' because we have asked our suppliers to bring the best wines from their portfolios that represent each of assigned areas. You will be able to try these wines and have the opportunity to purchase these bottles in a pre-order format. We will be offering some stellar deals on split case and full case orders. This is an experience that you will not want to miss. What's better than being able to build your knowledge, stock your cellars, and enjoy some amazing wine with your friends and colleagues as we take one step closer to the New Year. We hope to see you there!

